
蔣友柏 Demos Chiang
It’s a life tree. We are all on the tree. Climbing, waiting, looking for a place to move up to rest upon, to play around. It’s not just a tree, but a path of life. We are disoriented something we thought we are going up, but its actually up side down. Sometimes we thought we are going down, but is actually right side up. Its life, no matter how hard we try, or believe, we will loose directions. That’s life, it’s alive, while we search for a path to go about, life has it’s own mind it grows as we grow old. So, it’s a life tree, a tree.
That still changes with the season. With time that’s beyond our understanding. For time and space is far beyond anything that we can control. We always want to control it. We want to control things that we fear. It is my life, that’s what we tell ourselves. I am the sole owner of our lives, that’s what we tell ourselves. But life is alive, with or without us. We are only participation as plays in life and not as producer for life. On this tree, it’s crowded.
Many before us had already took their places. Many after us will also take their places. So we are always stuck in the middle. That is why in life, the future is a mystery and the past is history, and we only have present as the present for our lives.
After all these years, after all the sorrows in life. I then understand this simple logic. I am where I am not. I exist for the present I am in. Not because of the past, nor because of the anticipated future. All I have is now. Right here, right now. So rather I am going up or going down is all in my imagination. The intention is what determines the direction. On this life tree, I have no path, I can only follow the flow, and constantly shift my place.
My world is at this moment. The mountains, the water, as just for now. The cliff is just for now. The view is also just for now. Life, is a game you can choose to win or choose to extend for as long as you can. For even if you win, is just at this moment.
這是一棵生命之樹, 而我們都在這樹上,攀爬、等待、向上尋找一個可以休息的地方,一個可玩一場的地方。 他不僅僅只是一棵樹,他是一條生命之道。 我們在過程中偶爾迷失方向; 以為自己正在向上走時,實際上卻相反。有時我們以為我們走下坡了,但實際上卻是正在往前進。這就是人生,無論我們多麼努力嘗試或堅持自我信念,偶而還是會迷失方向。這就是人生,有生命的人生,當我們不斷探索尋找一條可以走的道路時,隨著年齡的增長,人生的道路會走出自己的路。所以,這是一棵生命之樹。
一棵仍是會隨季節變化的樹。 關於時間, 這遠超出了我們認知中所能理解的範圍。 因為時間和空間已遠遠超出了我們所能控制的範圍。我們一直想控制這些,我們想要能夠掌控那些自己恐懼的事情。這就是我的人生,我們總是這樣告訴自己。我是我們生命的唯一所有者,我們總是這樣告訴自己。但是無論有沒有我們,生命之樹都會活著。我們只是生活電影中的一角,而非電影的製作人。這棵樹上,擠滿了人。 在我們來之前已經很多人占好了位置。
我們之後的許多人也將會馬上找到他們的位置。因此,我們總是陷在中間。所以這就是生命中所說,昨日已是歷史, 明日尚未能知,還能把握的今日就是我們給自己最好的禮物。
經過了這些年,曆經了各種傷痛後,我終於瞭解了一個簡單的道理。我不存在我不在的地方,我只能為我現在的存在而存在。 不因為過去,也不是因為無法預測的未來。我所擁有的只是現在,此時、此刻。因此,無論是往上或向下,這些都在我想像中。意圖決定方向。在這棵生命之樹上,我無路可走,只能順其自然並且不斷地變化我的位置。
900X150 cm