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Innocent in Chaos

Innocent in Chaos 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang There is no difference between innocent and chaos. 純真與混亂之間並無區別。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 89X56 cm

Fireworks in The Galaxy

Fireworks in The Galaxy 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Once you see me, then you will know how beautiful I am. 一旦你看到我,你就會知道我是多麼的美麗。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 90X70 cm

Cheers, Family

Cheers, Family 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I just want to make sure that I am still in this world that I hold dear to my heart. 我只是想確保我仍然在這個我所珍視的世界裡。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 90X140 cm


千山萬水 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We started with nothing, and in the process of getting something, being somewhere. We often face chaos for we are too close to see we are lost. Lost in our own cross, for we are afraid to let go. Lost in


九龍歸一 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Why are we here? This is a question we all face . Some will find the answer some will never know. But we all believe we are here for a reason or else it is just too hard to live and


新的一天或新的一年 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang You can celebrate every new day or every new year. 你可以慶祝每個新的一天或每個新的一年。 2022 複合媒材、合成皮 90X90 cm


低頭思故鄉 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang What we want is something new. What we miss is something old. 我們想要的是新的東西。 我們所懷念的是舊的東西。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 140X90 cm


自然流露 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Life is like water. All you can do is let it be and it will be. 生活就像水。你所能做的就是順其自然,然後它就會自然地發生。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 140X104 cm


我的山水、我的世界 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang You ask me to go to your world. But I rather not. For I do not intend to live by your rules. I am staying here, making my own world. It might not be grand, but I can live by my

門 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang ㄨㄛˇㄅㄨˋㄓ ㄉㄠˋㄇㄣˊㄏㄡˋㄧㄡˇㄕㄜˊㄇㄛ˙, ㄉㄢˋㄨㄛˇㄓ ㄉㄠˋㄇㄣˊㄑㄧㄢˊㄧㄡˇㄋㄧˇㄇㄣ˙。 我不知道門後有什麼, 但我知道門前有你們。 2022 複合媒材、畫布 145X140 cm