Blossom Symphony 1 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I hop from one blossom to the next until I found a blossom that can be mine. 我從一朵花跳到另一朵,直至找到屬於我的那一朵。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 80X65 cm
Blossom Symphony 2 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Why are you not here? With me in this blanket of pink. Whispering our pink bubbles. 你怎麼不在這裡?和我一起在這粉紅毯子裡,低語著我們的紅粉泡泡。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 80X65 cm
Blossom Symphony 3 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Standing strong at this moment to prepare for the blossom of the next moment. 此刻堅強地站在那裡,是為下一刻的綻放做好準備。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 80X65 cm
Dream Protector 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I will protect your dreams. I will make them my dreams. So you can continue to dreams. Until your world is full of dreams. 我會保護你的夢想。 我會把它們變成我的。 這樣你就能繼續、直到你的世界充滿夢想。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 112X145.5 cm
Wings of The World 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang My wings are not for exploring the world but to take you to see the world. 我的翅膀不是用來探索世界的,而是帶你去看世界。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 75X65 cm
Blue Planet 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang And sometimes the day is blue. The sky is blue. The lake is blue. The ocean is blue. But that does not mean we have to be blue. For it is these shades of blue that makes the world. 2023