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聽我們 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Sometimes we talk sometimes we love sometimes we hug and sometimes we just stay here to feel each other. 有時我們交談,有時我們相愛,有時我們擁抱,有時我們只是待著、感受彼此。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 140 X 90 cm


河邊一景 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I rest here and look back waiting for the ripples of life to settle. 我在歇息時回望,等待生活的漣漪沉澱。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 90 X 140 cm

櫻慶 – 櫻

櫻慶 - 櫻 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We live today so there is tomorrow. The present is the present life gave us. Don’t be confused by the colors sorrowing us. Just make sure you know you own color. There is nothing wrong in resting. Just enjoy

櫻慶 – 慶

櫻慶 - 慶 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang The world never lacks colors. What colors we see is up to us. Perhaps we can coat in our own colors. Turn around and see other’s colors. Waiting for the rain to wash clean the canvas. Capturing the one

Galaxy Blossom 01

Galaxy Blossom 1 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang The world is nothing more then a canvas for us to paint, with the colors we found alone the way. 這個世界不過是一塊畫布,用我們在旅途中找到的顏色供我們創作。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 97X162 cm

Galaxy Blossom 2

Galaxy Blossom 2 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang The only thing I will leave behind is the paintings. I called my life with the colors; I called my soul. 我唯一留下的就是畫作。 色彩就是我的生活、我的靈魂。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 97X162 cm

Blossom Symphony 7

Blossom Symphony 7 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Just look up and you will see there are always somewhere to go. 只要抬頭看,你將發現總會有路可走。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 80X65 cm

Blossom Symphony 8

Blossom Symphony 8 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I am coming for you, carrying this blossom to you. 我帶著這朵花,為你而來。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 80X65 cm

Endless Blossom 2

Endless Blossom 2 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We will never be along for everyday everywhere we live and go there will always be cherry blossom. 我們永遠不會孤單,因為每一天、每一個地方,無論我們住在哪裡、走到哪裡,都永遠有櫻花盛開。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 91X65 cm

Endless Blossom 1

Endless Blossom 1 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang As long as we believe it will never stop blossom. As long as we are together it will never end. 只要我們相信,它將永遠盛開。 只要我們在一起,它將永不結束。 2023 複合媒材、畫布 91X65 cm