走過森林的我 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang It does not matter how dense the forest is. I will still walk out of it. As me, as my own color and own form. 森林再密我都能穿越,並保有我的本色與姿態。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 70 X 130 cm
看看自己 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We live in a zoo. And we visit the zoo, to see animals who was caged in a zoo. Perhaps when we realize we are the one who is in the zoo, we will know it is us that’s being watched.
細看世界 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We all have our own moments. Sometimes it comes under the sun sometimes it comes with the rain. Sometimes we realize it is our moments. Sometimes it is others that tell us it is our moments. Regardless, we just have to
牆外的山 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang There are my mountains and they can be yours too. Just stand high and look beyond the fence and you will see what I have always seen. 這些是我的山脈,也可以是你的。 只要站得高些,越過圍欄,你就能看到我一直見到的景色。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 100 X 60 cm
永遠在旁邊 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang We came together not because we are the same, but we came together because we are different. That is how we become something greater than we can ever imagined. 我們相聚的原因不是因為我們一致,而是因為彼此的獨特。正是這些差異使我們能夠達成超越預期的卓越成果。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 每幅各 65 X 91 cm
等待的夜晚 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang You think I am watching over you. But I am just here waiting for you. Waiting for you to share your night with me and waiting for the day which we can have our night. 你以為我在守護你,但我只是靜靜地等著你。 盼望你與我分享你的夜晚,也期待有一天能擁有屬於我們的夜晚。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 每幅各 91