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Waiting For a Hug

Waiting For a Hug 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang After all the seasons I realized all I need is a hearty hug. 經歷了所有季節後,我意識到我真正需要的只是一個深情的擁抱。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 84 X 134 cm

Leaving With My Colors

Leaving With My Colors 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Taking my colors to the next chapter so you will find me again. 將我的色彩帶入下一章,這樣你將再次找到我。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 84 X 134 cm

Not A Background

Not A Background 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Finally, I found my stage a place, I will comfortable and confident. And that’s why you can differentiate me from the background now. 終於,我找到了我的舞台,一個讓我感到舒適和自信的地方。 你便能從背景中辨別出我。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 84 X 134 cm

Our Own Flow

Our Own Flow 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang This is our exploration, our story, our life. 這是我們的探索,我們的故事,我們的生活。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 73 X 100 cm

Holding On to Myself

Holding On to Myself 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I am pulling myself together, pulling myself out of the rest. For only when I can see myself, will I able to be myself. 我在整合自己,從中抽離。 能看清自己,才能成為自己。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 82.5 X 99 cm

Smile To Life

Smile To Life 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Just smile at everything life throws at you and you will be fine. 對生活中的一切投以微笑,你就會沒事的。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 65 X 85 cm


Chill 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Even in the hottest day, there will be a cool spot. 即使在最炎熱的日子,也會有一處涼爽之地。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 65 X 85 cm

Waiting To Bloom

Waiting To Bloom 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang I will wait for the flowers to bloom, as I will wait for my colors to change. 我會等待花兒綻放, 正如我會等待我的色彩轉變。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 84 X 134 cm


分你一口 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang Have an apple a day. 一日一蘋果。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 60 X 45 cm


啓福 蔣友柏 Demos Chiang My dear, I exist for you. 親愛的,我為了你存在。 2024 複合媒材、畫布 60 X 45 cm