蔣友柏 個展 – 天堂的眼淚 Tears in Heaven
2023/09/16 (六) – 2023/12/15 (五)
養雲安縵酒店 養雲安縵·院 83號|上海市閔行區元江路 6199號
※觀展需致電預約,預約電話:+86 218011 9988
照片提供: 養雲
時刻的思念與想望 策展人 王玉齡
曾經獲得18座葛萊美獎的英國詞曲作家兼藍調吉他歌手艾力·克萊普頓(Eric Clapton)創作一首動人的歌曲《天堂的眼淚》(Tears In Heaven),吟詠對離世兒子深深的悼念。
Tears in Heaven 文 / 蔣友柏
We never really existed.
We are born to find out whether we should exist.
Some end up as a whole, some end up as parts.
But we strive in the journey for that’s all we are.
Because the landscape will always change.
As long as we know that, we can always find a place in and after the change.
Just as the snow will melt and wash away the dirt, surfacing our true color.
Behind every fog there is a garden. All one has to do is simply wait for it to show.
For sometimes when you stand too high you will miss the clouds below.
I walk down this narrow path so you can have a closer look at me, so that you know black is not my only color. So that you can trust me to whisper your sorrows to me,
and I will wash it away with this light drizzle.
Whisper your happiness to me, I will cherish them with my love.
And every Sunday, we restart for another week of something.
For we all know the only thing that will last forever is the stories that we wrote for ourselves.
I will follow you through different colors of life.
I will shadow you through different shades of life.
It is in between the past and future that I found myself as a present to me.
After I found myself, you will never be cold for I will always give you all my warmth.
I know now that the power does not come from facing the strong.
But rather balancing the storm.
It is only then, even under the heat, we can still rest in peace.
It does not matter what the world has planned for us.
For it is always ourselves that will decide what we will make out of the world.
Accepting there will never be certainty.
Looking at my wishes fly through the valley into the cloud in front of the sky.
Wondering when they will come back to me.
But don’t worry whether they come back.
I leap out of the fire to show you that we can always be ourselves and there is nothing to be fearful about. And I will delay the nightfall so you can enjoy dusk a little bit longer. We cannot stop time but we can decide what time we want to pause and at what speed we want it to pass.
For nothing is ever perfect in life. That’s the trick life plays on us.
So we have a reason to continue searching for something that’s interesting in this normal life. This imperfection perhaps is the best gift life gave us.
We just need to accept it and embrace it.
Just as I came out of the jungle. Resting on this bank across from your home. Decorating myself with flowers. Coloring myself with the morning mist.
So when you see me, I will be in my best condition.
A condition to hold your hands into the future.
When I look past my past, I will see my future.
A future that belongs to us. Somewhere in this world, there is spring.
Maybe it’s far from here, but it still exists.
All we need to do is to just know it’s there.
Just like when you look up,
you can see my glance, shiny as the stars, eternal as the sky.